PROOF THAT I'M NOT AN A-HOLE. (All the time)


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
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Out for a quick trip to the hardware store. I park right up front, by the door. It's a wide parking spot, like a handicap spot with no sign. The Shelby should be safe there. I go in the store, find what they don't have, and leave by the big overhead door that they open when weather permits. As I approach my car, I see an elderly gentleman on his hands and knees wiping the bugs from my front bumper. "Hmmmm, that's odd", I think to myself. So I say something that I think is a bit funny. Something like "Can you hurry it up, I gotta be home in 15". The guy does not laugh. The guy with him does not laugh. Tough crowd. Maybe my Texan Cajun Yankee accent. The guy on the ground asks if it's my car.


He doesn't respond back.

The guy must be a real car lover. Can't stand to see a fine vehicle with bugs on the bumper.

I hear his buddy ask softly, "Is it coming off?"
Then I see it. When the guy walked out of the store, he dropped his fresh gallon of white paint. The lid popped off. And this was the result.


The guy was nearly crying. I think he expected me to go ballistic. He was truly, desperately trying to get the paint off of my car. But it was warm, hot, sunny. That paint was bonded. I managed to get it wiped off the hood and fender. I told the guy to go home and not think of it again. And I left.

Dino Dino Bambino

I have a red car
Aug 11, 2014
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That was very noble of you. Hopefully a car detailing shop might be able to get that paint off for you. Those paint correction guys can do some pretty amazing things.


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2022
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Yeah, I am usually a nice guy, but this would have caused a stir in me... :)

Try mineral spirts and see if it will comes off.


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
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I have another original bumper cover that I was going to sell. I think I'll put that one on, and sell this one as is. Or maybe charge a bit to custom paint it to match another car.


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
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I assume it's latex paint??? I've had good success with Krud Kutter. It'll even take dried latex paint out of carpet.

And God bless you for being nice to the old coot. "'I desire mercy, not sacrifice' says the Lord."
Unfortunately it was kilz oil based. That stuff don't f' around. The worst of it is on that rough part right below the intercooler. I'll probably figure out some way to coat over it. Maybe I can plasti-dip that piece bright orange or florescent green and pretend I'm a jeep.


Feb 11, 2023
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Unfortunately it was kilz oil based. That stuff don't f' around. The worst of it is on that rough part right below the intercooler. I'll probably figure out some way to coat over it. Maybe I can plasti-dip that piece bright orange or florescent green and pretend I'm a jeep.
What about just scuffing the plastic area with scotchbrite and spraying it with SEM trim paint?

1 Alibi 2

If not today, when ??????
May 4, 2011
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Hackettstown, N.J.
Congrats on not loosing your cool.
When I got my 11, I looked for excuses to take it out, errands like yours. Years of ownership have cured me of that habit..


forum member
Nov 6, 2016
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Dallas, TX
I have another original bumper cover that I was going to sell. I think I'll put that one on, and sell this one as is. Or maybe charge a bit to custom paint it to match another car.

If I can liberate funding by selling my Polaris I may have to follow up with you on that.. my CS bumper is trashed from multiple squirrels and is missing one of those little fake textured grills. Almost anything would be an upgrade at this point!


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
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If I can liberate funding by selling my Polaris I may have to follow up with you on that.. my CS bumper is trashed from multiple squirrels and is missing one of those little fake textured grills. Almost anything would be an upgrade at this point!
And of course I just left Beaumont.


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May 20, 2020
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Hope, ID USA
I guess because we live in an area where I only get six or so months use out of my Mustang due winter, snow and ice I drive my Mustang everywhere. dump, hardware stores and others that I question should I be driving this car someplace like this. Due to habit, I check my car out every time I come back to the car. In two years, nothing. To make things worse I drive a black convertible. I'm not bragging just been lucky. So, far no dents, scratches, etc.

I don't tend to get upset over most things, so don't think I would be overly upset, not happy though, I'm sure.

Future drives up logging roads are definitely out; I'm still cleaning dust out of the car.


Senior Member
Sep 12, 2013
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I believe in driving them. I've got 115,000 on my car. The poor thing has been abused. A few days before the paint incident, I noticed two new dents in the passenger door. Looks like someone ran a shopping cart into me. I had a guy back into my new rear number cover. I have a nice square stamped into the thing now from his receiver hitch. I heard my alarm from inside the store. By the time I got outside the jerk had drove off. I ran over a giant truck tire tread. That was fun. And many more. None of them major at all, but the cumulative effect has been disheartening. Seems as soon as I get something fixed, something else happens.
Sep 11, 2022
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Dover, PA
I believe in driving them. I've got 115,000 on my car. The poor thing has been abused. A few days before the paint incident, I noticed two new dents in the passenger door. Looks like someone ran a shopping cart into me. I had a guy back into my new rear number cover. I have a nice square stamped into the thing now from his receiver hitch. I heard my alarm from inside the store. By the time I got outside the jerk had drove off. I ran over a giant truck tire tread. That was fun. And many more. None of them major at all, but the cumulative effect has been disheartening. Seems as soon as I get something fixed, something else happens.
Things like the shopping cart really upset me. People have no respect for other people’s vehicles. A woman once told me that if she seen a car like mine somewhere she would key it because she doesn’t have a nice vehicle. I told her that speaks volumes about her character.

I recently went on a family vacation to Myrtle Beach and while we were there someone put a nice dent in my parents new Hyundai Santa Fe. The car had 2000 miles on it and now it’s tagged. No note or anything. I don’t see how someone could just walk away without informing the other party.

My wife has had 2 vehicles hit in her parking garage at work also. One went 1/3 of the way down the side of the car and the other smashed her front fender in pretty good. No note either occasion. The worst part is that only employees can park where she does so a coworker did this to her vehicles. Her Acadia still has a smashed fender to this day because of that incident.


Feb 27, 2022
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St. Louis
Things like the shopping cart really upset me. People have no respect for other people’s vehicles. A woman once told me that if she seen a car like mine somewhere she would key it because she doesn’t have a nice vehicle. I told her that speaks volumes about her character.

I recently went on a family vacation to Myrtle Beach and while we were there someone put a nice dent in my parents new Hyundai Santa Fe. The car had 2000 miles on it and now it’s tagged. No note or anything. I don’t see how someone could just walk away without informing the other party.

My wife has had 2 vehicles hit in her parking garage at work also. One went 1/3 of the way down the side of the car and the other smashed her front fender in pretty good. No note either occasion. The worst part is that only employees can park where she does so a coworker did this to her vehicles. Her Acadia still has a smashed fender to this day because of that incident.
Went thru the same thing with my Opel at a previous place of employment. Security was no help. I asked to see the security camera tape to see if I could identify the car or the person and they said the cameras are useless are really there for insurance and liability compliance and visual deterence, not to actually identify a science museum.


forum member
Nov 6, 2016
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Dallas, TX
Oooh don’t get me started on shopping trolleys! I was sitting in my car at Walmart one time, this lady walked up to the car next to me, loaded her stuff in the back and pushed her cart to… the rear of my car. I slowly rolled the window down, watched her until she saw me and just straight up asked her “you’re really gonna just leave that there?” She looked like she had seen a ghost, got out without saying a word and pushed the cart to… the rear of the next car over! I just shook my head at her as I got out to head inside, I put the cart back myself. People suck.

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