Horrible experience w Adam @ STMotorsports


Never enough power guy!
Mar 2, 2008
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Bullard Tx.
You dickheads, caught me not proof reading my posts! Back to the lynching at hand.

No going back now man, I know how you really feel about my car now! LOL

Yes, lets do get back to lynching or I mean banning.

Torched S197

forum member
Apr 28, 2011
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Somerset, Ky
After reading all this I have a headache. This kid is the reason people my age have a bad name. Lito did work for you so he should be paid whether you think so or not. When I had my car tuned I was charged 250 and gave him 300 just because he spent extra time on it and was a hell of a guy. Seriously dude man the fuck up

S197 GT

PINK Casting Director
S197 Team Member
Apr 5, 2007
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Nor Cal
there is a few of us that have tons of $$ on this cars...lol Last round for me was near 22k

Ed, give Greg the heads up on this cat. Seriously, aren't you connected to RET somehow now. Don't let Greg get fucked here as well.


Senior Member
S197 Team Member
Feb 2, 2010
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To think I felt bad for you. One of these SoCal cats that got got by these glorified over priced tooners out here in SoCal. I mean yeah, that trailer situation is shit. I feel bad for your pop's friend. That is a shit situation your pops has been put in.

Now, as far as Lito getting paid? The man needs to get paid. It doesn't matter what percentage you may of have calculated of actual "work" he put in. You have no idea what it takes to setup a tune, it's evident. Just another one of those, "I read on the internet, so I know it all" peeps.

Just do the right thing and pay Lito. I am sure if you would of paid him for his time, at least some of it, when you would of finished your do over, he would of probably been more than glad to finish up that project with you. Now, not only will Lito never consider doing anything for you, nor most of these great people on S197, but looks like you got your due at ST. I mean come on, ST is like the second coming of Stangwerks. Any knowledgeable Stang head in SoCal would of told you that.

If you really feel that Lito didn't earn his keep, that is some shady thinking. I have been turning a steady wrench for 12 years now. I build engines for old muscle on the side. I had a guy change his mind on his rotating assembly after the engine was done. Man thought he didn't have to pay me twice, so guess what happened? I ended up throwing a nice 331 stroker in a fox body. Made a good chunk of change.

It's a real mans world when it comes to the automotive market. No piece of paper other than the green out of your pocket means shit to whoever may be putting in work for you. Believe me when I say that any of us that may be techs or tuners out here didn't go through some sort of schooling to become successful. We have our own pieces of paper that say we know our shit, sure some don't. Most of the times experience will trump that said piece of paper. Just know that it chaps our ass to hear some kid got over on someones work. And then to discredit the work? That's like when Rick James slapped Charlie Murphy... So disrespectful.

I hope you get what you want out of our twice done build. Hope that with that mickey mouse tune you got, the bottom end doesn't find itself on the 210 on the way back home... Good luck kid. There isn't too many Eleanor themed S197's in SoCal. Shops will hear. Always do.


May 13, 2010
Reaction score
Little Rock
This thread... holy mind fuck.

^ dont you owe someone money????

You are being called out in the Bad Sellers list so I would tread lightly until that gets resolved.....

Post 1803.http://www.s197forum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=600&page=91

It would have been nice if the shitbird told the whole story, or even told me he was doing that. Let me go check that out now...

Holy shit, two epic thread members in one thread!! It's like the Twilight Zone lol!


Boss 227..every damn time
Sep 1, 2012
Reaction score
This thread is like a turd swirling around the toilet after you flush it. Oh, and I have a headache from reading it.

Lito needs to get paid what he is owed.

And this thread is why my motor will stay stock. All this, over a tune? Holy shit.


Hi, they call me Brad.
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
So was this car finished?



I'm Cam - Mr. Indecisive
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Northern Virginia
Adam got a trailer, 08 Vapor got pinked, 08Eleanor got free tunes and Lito got the SHAFT.

I should have skipped to this post from the beginning, haha.

So was this car finished?

I'm wonderin' too.

Out of curiosity, how could you rationalize leaving a car with a trailer for 2 weeks to get tuned?


Official Vendor
Apr 24, 2007
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Car showed up on the 10th NOT the 3rd and was supposed to ready for the dyno. Lets see..the 10th,minus the date of this thread is..7 working days/11 days. The car wasn't even dyno ready. Got a couple of issues worked out on the car, and she was ready to start the process. The car didnt sit til 4:30pm, car was strapped to dyno shortly after 12:30 pm, I actually began working on the tune at 1:09 pm. The combo on this car is definitley less than desireable from a tuners stand point, and there were several issues that had to be worked out before it was even worth making a dyno pull. Although the car didnt make a pull til 5:30 pm, I had made several changes to the car setting idle, fuel trims , tip in fuel ,and reworking the maf tables etc..The dyno is great for the wot pulls, but the car needs to run before you pull it..The car was close, but I wasnt going to push on , as I felt a fresh mind on the car in the morning would be best.
Started back on the car the following morning, had a coulpe of issues with the plugs, got past that and had the tune 80% done (still needed the road testing and touch-ups), but with some concerns about the amount of KR the car was showing ,not to mention it had a few plugs with cracked porcelain. This was dicussed with the owner, but instead of concern for safety, all I got was greif over the lower than expected dyno numbers. He felt he may have gapped the plugs wrong and thats why they cracked. He wanted me to replace the broken plugs, and he would return them to Amazon. Nevermind the fact, I told him I felt the car wasnt happy and was detonating.
I explained to the customer before the car was even brought in that 17 psi was too much for a 3v on pump with stock heads,cams, and cats. Also he was told to make sure the car was dyno ready. The classic reply..on the net I saw the same combo make x amount of power crap. He wanted to move forward with the methanol and 17 psi.I agreed to give the meth a shot and see what I could pull from the car, I wanted to lower the boost, but I would have to work it into the schedule. This conversation took place Friday the 11th.
Customer came and road tested the car yesterday, and with the exception of the cold start (which was fixed) was happy for the most part. He said the car lagged below 3k, I explained to him that was the by-pass surge valve design. I told him we could change that and the car would have instant boost when he rolled into the gas. He said that would make him happy and just wanted to see more power, that 530 wans't enough ,although the car did feel good.
The customer says he never got updates, he got updates, just didnt get me on the line. I did speak with the customer for over 40 minutes last night regarding his car, the combo,pros and cons of fuel,boost,timing,meth, meth mixture, the ways to use meth for either cooling or power,cams, mafs, maf meters, blower speed rather boost as a reference, etc. Everything seemed ok last night. I wasnt able to get the car back on the dyno til today. Last week was completely booked. I actually had the car on the dyno tonight (1-22-13) with lower boost. The car was at 11.9 psi,and seemed to struggle to make 500RWHP, but sounded clean at 490. I called the customer again, and explained to him my concerns about detonation,and hurting the engine with his current combo. Once again, I got grief, why, and thats not enough power. I want more boost and more power. His request lets try 15 psi, and see what we can get with methanol. My reply ,which I said a few times already,I dont want the blood of his engine on my hands. That with more mods..heads, cams, no cats/hiflows, his back pressure would drop and he would see more power. Bottom line, I cant magically make the car produce more power than its capable of on the current fuel/combo. If the A/F is spot on, and timing is where its happy (16* peak), it is what it is.
The trailer..I told him I didnt rec leaving the trailer, but he could do so at his own risk. I never once assured him it would be safe and secure. I am truly sorry it was stolen, but it was his decison to leave it. I didnt agree to baby sit it, and he definitley could have picked it up sooner.
So tonight I get this thread brought to my attention . After several calls with the customer since this was posted,he never made mention of this. My response to Charley, heres your car with a temp tune to drive her away.The by-pass valve is locked open, I dont rec running the car on boost. NO labor will be charged and we will move on. Charley's response in a short version, was he really wanted me to complete the car and he would fix all this on the net. I told him I'd re-consider working on his car, but I wanted to think about it over night. Well, I've decided..NO.
Keep in mind Im into the car over 6 hrs now, plus my techs time, and she was just about done. Id rather lick my wounds and move on, than have his car cough on my dyno or in his hands due to lack of experience and common sense. Good luck to the next one who works on this car.

sorry about any typos..its late.
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Feb 20, 2008
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I have contacted lito about payment...

Adam I will be by tomorrow for the car...
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2014 vett or 2015 stang..
Apr 13, 2007
Reaction score
Gay Area
damn.. just read this..

haha another satisfied customers huh adam..

Op.. if you searched you would have ran into my exp with ST.. 2 weeks of having the car. driving 7 hours to pick it up and fail-safe out the driveway. He must have been buying ammo then too.. hahaha

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